Do you remember when you didn’t know Javascript? Or how to use the command line? Or what a compiler was?

If you have been programming for a few years, you probably don’t.

And when you think about other developers, you probably think ‘Well, of course they know [x], everybody does’.

But they might not.

We tend to forget how difficult was to ‘get’ what a piece of software does or how to do a particular task.

So, when we have an idea for a blog post that seems too basic, we simply discard it because I can’t write about that, what will they think of me?

The thing is, there will always be somebody that doesn’t know something you know.

It doesn’t matter how basic you think it is, there are people out there that could use the information you want to blog about, especially since programming is becoming more popular.

So please, write that blog post about how to use the command line, or what is a binary tree, or what is Test Driven Development, because I can guarantee you, there will be people that don’t know about it, and it will be their first exposure to it.